

湖北老秘 发表于 2012-1-8 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
1. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. ) V) T, x8 F. y- t: |
/ D8 R& v  C8 T$ ~: U  倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时侯教。 1 d) S# R! t* E+ R4 ]
0 |8 L" w) L3 I' C! n" ~
    2. If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.
: ^7 @( ]) c% z( {1 l4 K, K  X+ t" p$ E/ i& S8 g2 a( F7 M2 {
9 ]6 C- U, Z& ]' M
  F; Q0 Q2 L4 r+ @8 U    3. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no trouble to acquit myself to your satisfaction.
, E& i4 t% R. N$ G$ I* Q5 g* w: R* h3 k' R/ \" u
    假如本人之应征能得青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。 . A( e2 N1 ?1 D# }
- q. Q% j  c: m) h. V
    4. You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require. 3 a# `  K1 o# S8 m7 X- A( i+ i  U0 n

' @, V  D, M: i* ?    关于阁下对我个人所需之详细材料,可从所附的大学校长推荐函中获悉。
6 e; V) g  y' H) V
. b( k. y: [% D3 y# \8 _    5. I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. $ v6 C( f; l8 E0 B0 [

$ Z- b* S% m2 u    敬希阁下抽空惠予接见。 - l, F! F* T% i8 m) U

5 L% m; r  `- n5 c+ V    6. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter. ! l3 x9 a# e: U$ j( O+ f

" i" X$ T7 a, w0 S) q    若需有关本人的更详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址惠函示知。
$ L2 U  w" E' x5 S9 E5 u+ X+ J& F+ l, z/ ]+ W6 q1 v/ _' H
    7. I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work. 4 c( }) V! T! l& o
: @' P' b; p3 l, h/ T
; e* b/ }# ~, x9 X/ b7 A+ |8 c; m  I
    8. I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.
: G* M& [- A* R  I# c' e; \, {: C" p2 d$ z8 p' g
    如阁下要求提供查询人,以便了解我的工作情况和性格,我乐于满足阁下要求。 0 G. A9 {; L  g

7 V  z: k0 r  L: I    9. I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.
. z8 b; h% n4 H: N; Z1 ]) b* {5 u8 }) |# A' a0 {
    如能为贵公司效力,本人将不胜荣幸。阁下耐心读完这篇申请,本人至为感激,并请尽速惠函示知。 4 J! T1 v" v2 y: z4 X- C/ [* G
+ Q5 n# Y* }! y8 R5 W5 [1 K/ ?
    10. I believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere. 6 b" H# P% I: p
* @; {+ H  H7 ]6 k9 N
1 U$ M1 C& h9 W- n' I, d; W1 ]5 f% k* k3 m
    11. I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction. . S% p9 W0 l9 `, A; I4 C0 Q

( T+ Y6 y& S% w8 H8 f0 N5 h7 |    如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽最大努力工作,争取诸事满意。
2 q  ?% C3 L( l  u6 A: n$ \# C7 f5 c: l) m4 F# E0 ]$ T
    12. Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.
0 Q6 r# _+ C4 P
9 T4 z* x% L9 Q7 s5 x  ]    承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。
8 a# S2 O" {& A9 w. s, ^: ^4 J) |- P7 |8 `
    13. I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview. $ c- ^7 V( H) [# v/ |
+ r( n) e8 B$ z: R, Y3 ^
    随函附寄简历表一份,望能通知能否有机会见面。 ( y' D& [, o# |
! f" q# b$ d* b# z
    14. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience. - G7 s( z/ ]. C1 E, |

* d1 V- W, q; }8 l    如贵公司愿意接见,我随时候教。   H1 A1 ?5 j2 K; l0 T! o$ M
9 T# m" S8 r$ L
    15. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience.
+ E! X/ f1 \) S  i/ C6 S/ h% ~7 w0 W# Q. a( r
4 q* Z4 I* U" i1 s6 ?1 g+ p
& A+ v( F1 l, X! r$ w: C5 E- Y
% l$ l8 H. p4 `# f3 D9 G5 [ 5 q2 a. F+ I; A, Y* ~& g2 O

# N1 d& q1 y, T- Z. _: `3 u! Q( a! t- X2 u+ J8 k5 t6 h. b
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