4月9日下午,李家超宣布参选香港特首,4月13日,李家超正式报名参选。以下是他会见传媒时的参选发言。同为香港开新篇Starting a New Chapter for Hong Kong Together
各位香港市民:Fellow citizens of Hong Kong,
大家好!Good afternoon!
中央人民政府已经批准我的辞职,免去我香港特别行政区政府政务司司长的职务。现在,我向大家宣布,我决定参加第六届香港特别行政区行政长官选举。The Central People\'s Government has approved my resignation as the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”). I now announce my decision to stand for the election for the Sixth Term Chief Executive of the HKSAR.
40多年来,我跟随香港发展进程,一步步走到特区政府的管治班子,经常反思,我们要怎样做,香港才可以变得更好?For more than 40 years, alongside the development of Hong Kong, I have gradually become part of the governing team of the HKSAR government. I have always reflected on what we should do to make Hong Kong even better.
今年是香港回归祖国25周年,承前启后,意义重大。极需把握好机遇,迈上新发展台阶。过去两年多,我看到香港由乱及治的变化,看到发展变革的契机,深深感到,未来5年是香港由治及兴的关键时刻。Hong Kong is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its return to the Motherland this year. In this monumental moment, we should build upon the past and look ahead into the future. We should grasp the good opportunities and attain new development heights. In the past two years or so, I have witnessed Hong Kong\'s restoration of order from chaos, and the opening up of opportunities for development and reform. I truly believe that the next five years will be a critical time for Hong Kong to move from the present stage of order towards an era of prosperity underpinned by effective governance.
经过深入思考,我决定出来参选,承担历史使命,与社会各界和香港广大市民一起推动香港向前。我期盼看到一个充满活力的香港,一个人人都有幸福的香港,一个高度开放的香港,一个广泛团结的香港,一个社会安宁的香港。After much deliberation, I have decided to stand for the election and commit myself to the historic mission of bringing Hong Kong forward, together with different sectors of the community and Hong Kong people. I earnestly look forward to seeing Hong Kong as a city brimming with vibrancy, as a community in which everyone is happy, as a society that is highly open, as a place which embraces unity, and as a home which provides stability and safety.
这个决定,出于我对国家的忠诚、对香港的热爱、对市民的负责,我有信心迎战公职生涯中的最大挑战。This decision is made out of my loyalty to my country, my love for Hong Kong, and my sense of duty to Hong Kong people. I am confident that I will rise up to the greatest challenge in my public service career.
对于未来施政,我有三个主要方向,一是以结果为目标解决不同的问题,二是全面提升香港竞争力,三是奠定香港发展的稳固基石。As for future policies, I will focus on three main areas: one, to resolve various deep-seated issues based on a result-oriented approach; two, to increase the overall competitiveness of Hong Kong; and third, to consolidate a firm foundation for Hong Kong\'s development.
我出身基层。小时候在公屋长大,亲历基层市民的困难。深信政府施政,必须以解决市民的问题为首位。I came from grassroots. Growing up in public housing, I have experienced first-hand the hardships faced by the grassroots community. I firmly believe that resolving the concerns of people must be a top priority in government policies.
我是一个务实的人,一向相信做事要除符合程序,更要以结果为目标。我会从政府理念和做事方式作出变革,提升施政效率。我要建立团队观念,做事的时候不分“你或我”,强化“我和我们”共同解决问题的团队文化。变革,不是为变而变,好的政策,好的做法会保留。Being a pragmatic person, I have always believed that aside from procedural compliance, our ultimate objective must be to ensure results. I intend to effect changes on government’s philosophy and ways of doing things to enhance the effectiveness of policy implementation. I will strive to build a teamwork culture that promotes \'we and us\' rather than \'you or us\' in a collaborative approach to problem solving. Obviously, change should not be for the sake of changing; good policies and practices should remain.
长期以来,香港累积一些深层次的问题,包括房屋、医疗、青年发展等,未能很好地解决。变革的目的,是为了达到更好的成果,惠及社会和市民。如果我能成功当选,新一届政府会在“爱国者治港”原则下,积极与社会各界和市民互动,制定解决各种问题的政策措施,让市民真正得到实惠,分享发展红利。For a long period of time, there have been a number of deep-rooted issues, including housing, healthcare and youth development etc., which have not been effectively resolved. The objective of change is to achieve better outcome, thereby benefiting our society and Hong Kong people. If successfully elected, I will lead the new-term government under the principle of \'Patriots administering Hong Kong\' and actively engage different sectors of the community and Hong Kong people in formulating policies and measures to resolve these deep-rooted issues, such that Hong Kong people can truly benefit from the fruits of progress and development.
未来5年,香港进入发展的新时期,必须全面提升竞争力。In the coming five years, Hong Kong is entering a new era of development and must therefore enhance its overall competitiveness.
在“一国两制”制度优势之下,国家“十四五”规划、粤港澳大湾区建设及惠港政策,为香港提供良好发展机遇。只要我们把握好,善用自身优势和特长,打造新的经济增长点,主动融入国家发展大局,香港就会前途无限。With the advantages under \'One Country, Two Systems\', Hong Kong enjoys enormous growth opportunities arising from the Central Government’s strategies, including its “14th Five-Year Plan”, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and other policies in support of Hong Kong. Provided that we avail ourselves of these opportunities and leverage on our unique strengths and advantages to create new economic growth areas and proactively integrate into the national development, Hong Kong will embrace a future with unlimited possibilities.
香港要继续保持国际大都会特色,不断扩大国际联系、进一步提升良好营商环境,体现包容、多元、开放的特质,进一步巩固和提升包括金融、贸易、航运、创科等领域的竞争力。香港既要搭上国家发展号的高速列车,亦在世界的竞争中形成自己新优势,还要做好国家与世界各国增进联系的通道和桥梁。这是香港的活力所在。Hong Kong must maintain its characteristics of being an international metropolis; expand its international connectivity; establish a more favorable business environment; uphold the values of inclusion, diversity and openness; and further strengthen its competitiveness in finance, trade, transportation, innovation and technology etc. As Hong Kong boards the express train of our country\'s development, it must simultaneously reinforce its competitive strengths in the global arena, and bolster its role as a gateway and bridge between our country and the world. This is where Hong Kong\'s vitality lies.
我们还要为香港开创新篇,奠定稳固的基石。We will also need to start a new chapter for Hong Kong and to consolidate a firm foundation.
未来5年香港要加快发展,必须巩固得来不易的稳定局面,创造一个安定、稳固的环境,让香港无后顾之忧,可以大步前行。香港特区行政长官要维护香港的整体利益,保障香港不受破坏。要建立一个忠诚、担当的政府,守住“法治”这核心价值和施政的基石,确保在“一国两制”下,香港长期繁荣稳定。In the coming five years, Hong Kong must expedite its development, consolidate its hard-earned stability and create a safe and stable environment in which we can stride forward with nothing hanging over us. The Chief Executive of the HKSAR must protect the overall interests of Hong Kong and defend it against sabotage by establishing a devoted and responsible government committed to safeguarding the rule of law, which is the core value and cornerstone of its governance, as well as ensure the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong under \'One Country, Two Systems\'.
我在政府服务40多年,深知一个人的能力再大,也是有限的。要达至以上的施政目标,必须依靠社会各界、全港市民的共同努力。如果我成功当选,在我领导下的第六届政府将会以诚恳的态度走入社区倾听民意,亦会积极延揽人才、组建团队,推荐、委任各领域有经验、有能力的人才、专家,担任政府及其他管治机构的要职,齐心协力、共同做好各方面工作。Having served in the government for over four decades, I genuinely believe that even the greatest have limits. To achieve the above policy objectives requires the joint efforts of all sectors of the community and each of us. If successfully elected, I will lead the sixth-term government to openly, frankly and respectfully engage with the Hong Kong people and listen to their voices. Talents will be recruited and teams will be formed. Experienced and competent talents and experts from different sectors will be nominated and appointed to take up key positions in the government and other governing bodies. Together, we will strive for excellence in all aspects of our work.
这将会是一曲新的交响乐。我会当指挥,让当中每一位成员,发挥其优势,尽展其所长,创造“一加一大于二”的协同效益,共同为香港奏出更辉煌的新乐章。This new chapter will be a new symphony. Being the conductor, I will ensure that each member will be able to leverage his or her strengths to create the synergy effect of \'one plus one is greater than two\'. Together we will play a more splendid new piece for Hong Kong.
世界大变,不进则退。香港慢不得,也等不起。如果能成功当选,我会带领第六届特区政府高效施政,团结社会各界和市民,大力推进“一国两制”的成功实践,把香港建设得更加美好。In today\'s volatile world, one will either progress or regress. Hong Kong cannot slow down nor can it wait. If successfully elected, I will lead the sixth-term government through efficient and effective policy implementation, unite different sectors of the community and Hong Kong people, and further advance the successful implementation of \'One Country, Two Systems\' so as to build a better Hong Kong.
香港的发展,涉及香港人的福祉,亦受全国14亿同胞的关心,亦受世界各国的关注。我们要为自己,为下一代,为香港,为国家,做出优异成绩。Hong Kong\'s development matters not only to Hong Kong people, but is also dear to the hearts of our 1.4 billion fellow Chinese. It will also attract the attention of nations across the world. For the sake of ourselves, our next generation, Hong Kong and our country, we must achieve excellent results.
香港值得有更好的未来,更好的生活,更好的发展,但这一切不会自然发生。我深信我提出的三个方向,即施政以结果为目标、全面提升竞争力、奠定稳固基石,会确保我们更有能力应对未来不同的挑战。Hong Kong deserves a better future, better life and better development. However, all these will not materialize without effort. I believe that through the three major policy areas that I put forward, namely, to implement policies with a result-oriented approach, to increase its our overall competitiveness and to consolidate its firm foundation, Hong Kong will have greater capability to respond to any challenges in the future!
谢谢大家!Thank you.
来源:大公文汇全媒体、李家超 John Lee 2022